Architecture (31) Audit (7) Automation (1) Availability Groups (1) BLOBTempStoragePath (1) Backup (4) Backup and Recovery (19) Blocking (1) BufferTempStoragePath (1) CHECKDB (1) CROSS JOIN (1) CTE (3) Certification (1) Code Samples (61) Coding Practices (27) Combinations (1) Connection Strings (6) DBCC (1) DMV (10) DNS (3) Data Maintenance (7) Database Administration (96) Database Design (27) Database Documentation (31) Database Mail (6) Database Migration (38) Deadlock (1) Development (55) ERRORLOG (1) Encryption (1) Errors (1) FILESTREAM (1) Firewall (1) GUID (1) Indexes (8) Linked Servers (5) Linter (1) Listening Ports (4) Locking (1) MSDB (1) Microsoft Cluster (7) Monitoring (1) Performance (11) Permutations (1) PowerShell (5) Restore (1) SCCM (1) SQL Injection (6) SQL Server (40) SQL Server 2000 (20) SQL Server 2005 (49) SQL Server 2008 (45) SQL Server 2008 R2 (44) SQL Server 2012 (20) SQL Server Agent (16) SQL Server Integration Services (7) SQL Server errors (12) SQL Tools (16) SQLCMD (1) SSIS (7) SSISDB (1) SSMS (2) Security (48) Storage (17) T-SQL Programming (58) TEMPDB (1) TSQL (2) Testing (23) Uncategorized (7) Upgrade (28) Virtualization (14) Windows (9) XML (1) command-line utilities (11) data types (17) datetime (4) forfiles (1) runas (1) tempdb (3)

 Architecture (31)

Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Deciding on MIN and MAX Memory Configuration Settings
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Per Server + CAL Licensing Model For Small Business' Development Environments
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Deploying what in my opinion is messy code
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
Active Directory Groups for Easier Permissions Management
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Grant Priviliges to a Computer/Machine Account - Why?!
Fresh outlook to Auditing and Monitoring of User Activity using Traces
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Audit and Monitor User Activity using Traces
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Space Used by Filegroup and Log Space Used
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Apply the principle of least privilege on a Linked Server connection
Add files to TEMPDB for optimal performance
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server
Disk Drive 64KB Allocation Units and SQL Server
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports

 Audit (7)

Export Permissions to a Report
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Active Directory Groups for Easier Permissions Management
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Data Audit Triggers

 Automation (1)

Automate AG Failover on Standard Edition

 Availability Groups (1)

Automate AG Failover on Standard Edition

 BLOBTempStoragePath (1)

SSIS error: 'buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property'

 Backup (4)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup

 Backup and Recovery (19)

Install and configure the SQL Server Backup and Maintenance Solution
Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Automatically Back Up the Transaction Log when 75 Percent Full
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Quick Full Backup Script Sample
Database Backups, VSS and Broken Backup Chains
Use the Forfiles Utility to Delete Old Database Backup Files
Send SQL Server Agent Job log file by Email
Generating a Database Data Dictionary
SSIS error: 'buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property'

 Blocking (1)

Domestic Appliance and Database Locking Troubles

 BufferTempStoragePath (1)

SSIS error: 'buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property'


DBCC CHECKDB Fails with 'Cannot find the FILESTREAM file'


Generate Lottery Ticket Combinations

 CTE (3)

Get the latest IDENTITY value for all tables in the current database
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Generate Lottery Ticket Combinations

 Certification (1)

Microsoft Certifications and Re-Certification

 Code Samples (61)

Get the latest IDENTITY value for all tables in the current database
Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Script User-Defined Data Types
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Retrieve OS and SQL versions, database names and database sizes
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Against the "sp_" Stored Procedure Naming Convention
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Automatically Back Up the Transaction Log when 75 Percent Full
Execute Multiple Script Files in One Batch
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
Using Built-In Multi-Language Month and Weekday Names for Application Lists
Convert MSDB date and time values stored as integers to datetime
Find the Next Available Working Day using T-SQL
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Display and Store Maltese (Unicode) Characters
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Check (and Fix) SQL Logins for Weak Passwords
Storing Login Credentials in Plain Text Files (Relatively) Securely
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Space Used by Filegroup and Log Space Used
Delegate DBA Permissions to non-DBAs
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Quick Full Backup Script Sample
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Temporarily Disallow Access to a Database
Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO
Data Audit Triggers
Database Backups, VSS and Broken Backup Chains
Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW
Script to generate Trigger definitions
Add files to TEMPDB for optimal performance
Correctly handling datetime values
Loading MSSQL Blocks XML files into a table
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server
Generate Lottery Ticket Combinations
Generating a Database Data Dictionary
Header for Database Code Objects
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks

 Coding Practices (27)

T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Deploying what in my opinion is messy code
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
Database Object Code Split on Multiple Lines
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Against the "sp_" Stored Procedure Naming Convention
Display and Store Maltese (Unicode) Characters
Storing Login Credentials in Plain Text Files (Relatively) Securely
Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO
Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW
Correctly handling datetime values
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server
Estimating the Size of an SQL Server Database
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not
Generating a Database Data Dictionary
Header for Database Code Objects
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks
Date and Time data types

 Combinations (1)

Generate Lottery Ticket Combinations

 Connection Strings (6)

Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Check (and Fix) SQL Logins for Weak Passwords
Apply the principle of least privilege on a Linked Server connection
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports
Addressing a 'login failed' (Error 18452) error message in SQL Server 2005

 DBCC (1)

DBCC CHECKDB Fails with 'Cannot find the FILESTREAM file'

 DMV (10)

Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Retrieve OS and SQL versions, database names and database sizes
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Space Used by Filegroup and Log Space Used

 DNS (3)

Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports

 Data Maintenance (7)

Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Automatically Back Up the Transaction Log when 75 Percent Full
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Compare the Contents (data) of Two Tables

 Database Administration (96)

Get the latest IDENTITY value for all tables in the current database
Domestic Appliance and Database Locking Troubles
Automate AG Failover on Standard Edition
Creating a SQL Firewall
SQL Linter - Code Analysis
DBCC CHECKDB Fails with 'Cannot find the FILESTREAM file'
SSISDB Maintenance Failed
Install and configure the SQL Server Backup and Maintenance Solution
Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Deciding on MIN and MAX Memory Configuration Settings
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Per Server + CAL Licensing Model For Small Business' Development Environments
Script User-Defined Data Types
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Deploying what in my opinion is messy code
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Retrieve OS and SQL versions, database names and database sizes
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Active Directory Groups for Easier Permissions Management
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Error setting private property 'VirtualServerName' when installing an SQL Server 2008 R2 cluster
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Microsoft Certifications and Re-Certification
Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Grant Priviliges to a Computer/Machine Account - Why?!
Fresh outlook to Auditing and Monitoring of User Activity using Traces
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Automatically Back Up the Transaction Log when 75 Percent Full
Execute Multiple Script Files in One Batch
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
Convert MSDB date and time values stored as integers to datetime
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Check (and Fix) SQL Logins for Weak Passwords
Storing Login Credentials in Plain Text Files (Relatively) Securely
Audit and Monitor User Activity using Traces
Retrieve DBMS and Database Version Information
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Space Used by Filegroup and Log Space Used
Delegate DBA Permissions to non-DBAs
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Quick Full Backup Script Sample
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Login failed: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error
Temporarily Disallow Access to a Database
Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing
Database Backups, VSS and Broken Backup Chains
Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW
Script to generate Trigger definitions
SQL Agent jobs originated from an MSX server
Apply the principle of least privilege on a Linked Server connection
Add files to TEMPDB for optimal performance
Loading MSSQL Blocks XML files into a table
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server
Disk Drive 64KB Allocation Units and SQL Server
Exporting SQL Server 2000 binary data using textcopy.exe
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
Documenting the Owner of a Generic Database User
Compare the Contents (data) of Two Tables
Use the Forfiles Utility to Delete Old Database Backup Files
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports
Create a Database Mail profile in 4 Steps (or less)
Script Logins from Database Users
Addressing a 'login failed' (Error 18452) error message in SQL Server 2005
Run SQL Server Agent Jobs with Alternate Credentials
Send SQL Server Agent Job log file by Email
Header for Database Code Objects
SSIS error: 'buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property'
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks

 Database Design (27)

Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Deploying what in my opinion is messy code
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Database Object Code Split on Multiple Lines
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Against the "sp_" Stored Procedure Naming Convention
Find the Next Available Working Day using T-SQL
Display and Store Maltese (Unicode) Characters
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Space Used by Filegroup and Log Space Used
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Correctly handling datetime values
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
Estimating the Size of an SQL Server Database
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports
Generating a Database Data Dictionary
Database Upgrade from SQL Server 7
Header for Database Code Objects
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks
Date and Time data types

 Database Documentation (31)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Deciding on MIN and MAX Memory Configuration Settings
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Script User-Defined Data Types
Script User-Defined Data Types
Retrieve OS and SQL versions, database names and database sizes
Retrieve OS and SQL versions, database names and database sizes
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
Retrieve DBMS and Database Version Information
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Space Used by Filegroup and Log Space Used
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Script to generate Trigger definitions
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Estimating the Size of an SQL Server Database
Documenting the Owner of a Generic Database User
Generating a Database Data Dictionary

 Database Mail (6)

Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over
Create a Database Mail profile in 4 Steps (or less)
Send SQL Server Agent Job log file by Email

 Database Migration (38)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Per Server + CAL Licensing Model For Small Business' Development Environments
Script User-Defined Data Types
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
Database Object Code Split on Multiple Lines
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Error setting private property 'VirtualServerName' when installing an SQL Server 2008 R2 cluster
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Against the "sp_" Stored Procedure Naming Convention
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Storing Login Credentials in Plain Text Files (Relatively) Securely
Retrieve DBMS and Database Version Information
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Quick Full Backup Script Sample
Login failed: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error
Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing
Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW
Script to generate Trigger definitions
SQL Agent jobs originated from an MSX server
Disk Drive 64KB Allocation Units and SQL Server
Exporting SQL Server 2000 binary data using textcopy.exe
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports
Date and Time data types

 Deadlock (1)

Domestic Appliance and Database Locking Troubles

 Development (55)

Get the latest IDENTITY value for all tables in the current database
Domestic Appliance and Database Locking Troubles
Creating a SQL Firewall
SQL Linter - Code Analysis
Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Per Server + CAL Licensing Model For Small Business' Development Environments
Script User-Defined Data Types
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Deploying what in my opinion is messy code
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Retrieve OS and SQL versions, database names and database sizes
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
Database Object Code Split on Multiple Lines
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Microsoft Certifications and Re-Certification
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Against the "sp_" Stored Procedure Naming Convention
Execute Multiple Script Files in One Batch
Using Built-In Multi-Language Month and Weekday Names for Application Lists
Find the Next Available Working Day using T-SQL
Display and Store Maltese (Unicode) Characters
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Storing Login Credentials in Plain Text Files (Relatively) Securely
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Delegate DBA Permissions to non-DBAs
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO
Data Audit Triggers
Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW
Script to generate Trigger definitions
Apply the principle of least privilege on a Linked Server connection
Correctly handling datetime values
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server
Exporting SQL Server 2000 binary data using textcopy.exe
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Generating a Database Data Dictionary
Header for Database Code Objects
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks
Date and Time data types


Filter Out Error Log Messages

 Encryption (1)

Decrypt a TDE-enabled database

 Errors (1)

SSISDB Maintenance Failed


DBCC CHECKDB Fails with 'Cannot find the FILESTREAM file'

 Firewall (1)

Creating a SQL Firewall

 GUID (1)

Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not

 Indexes (8)

Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not

 Linked Servers (5)

Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Apply the principle of least privilege on a Linked Server connection
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server

 Linter (1)

SQL Linter - Code Analysis

 Listening Ports (4)

Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports

 Locking (1)

Domestic Appliance and Database Locking Troubles

 MSDB (1)

Convert MSDB date and time values stored as integers to datetime

 Microsoft Cluster (7)

Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Deciding on MIN and MAX Memory Configuration Settings
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Error setting private property 'VirtualServerName' when installing an SQL Server 2008 R2 cluster
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over

 Monitoring (1)

Quick Basic Monitoring

 Performance (11)

Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Deciding on MIN and MAX Memory Configuration Settings
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Deploying what in my opinion is messy code
Against the "sp_" Stored Procedure Naming Convention
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO
Add files to TEMPDB for optimal performance
Disk Drive 64KB Allocation Units and SQL Server

 Permutations (1)

Generate Lottery Ticket Combinations

 PowerShell (5)

Export Permissions to a Report
Move System Databases from the OS Drive
Obtain Access to SQL Server using PowerShell
Filter Out Error Log Messages
Execute TSQL scripts in sequence using PowerShell

 Restore (1)

Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup

 SCCM (1)

Grant Priviliges to a Computer/Machine Account - Why?!

 SQL Injection (6)

Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Check (and Fix) SQL Logins for Weak Passwords
Storing Login Credentials in Plain Text Files (Relatively) Securely
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks

 SQL Server (40)

Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Deciding on MIN and MAX Memory Configuration Settings
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Script User-Defined Data Types
Retrieve OS and SQL versions, database names and database sizes
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
Database Object Code Split on Multiple Lines
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Active Directory Groups for Easier Permissions Management
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Microsoft Certifications and Re-Certification
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Against the "sp_" Stored Procedure Naming Convention
Execute Multiple Script Files in One Batch
Display and Store Maltese (Unicode) Characters
Storing Login Credentials in Plain Text Files (Relatively) Securely
Retrieve DBMS and Database Version Information
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Space Used by Filegroup and Log Space Used
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Quick Full Backup Script Sample
SQL Agent jobs originated from an MSX server
Add files to TEMPDB for optimal performance
Loading MSSQL Blocks XML files into a table
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server
Disk Drive 64KB Allocation Units and SQL Server
Exporting SQL Server 2000 binary data using textcopy.exe
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports
Generate Lottery Ticket Combinations
Addressing a 'login failed' (Error 18452) error message in SQL Server 2005
Generating a Database Data Dictionary
Header for Database Code Objects
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks

 SQL Server 2000 (20)

One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Fresh outlook to Auditing and Monitoring of User Activity using Traces
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Find the Next Available Working Day using T-SQL
Audit and Monitor User Activity using Traces
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over
Delegate DBA Permissions to non-DBAs
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing
Database Backups, VSS and Broken Backup Chains
Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW
SQL Agent jobs originated from an MSX server
Exporting SQL Server 2000 binary data using textcopy.exe
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not
Script Logins from Database Users
Date and Time data types

 SQL Server 2005 (49)

T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Script User-Defined Data Types
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Grant Priviliges to a Computer/Machine Account - Why?!
Fresh outlook to Auditing and Monitoring of User Activity using Traces
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
Using Built-In Multi-Language Month and Weekday Names for Application Lists
Find the Next Available Working Day using T-SQL
Check (and Fix) SQL Logins for Weak Passwords
Audit and Monitor User Activity using Traces
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Delegate DBA Permissions to non-DBAs
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO
Database Backups, VSS and Broken Backup Chains
Script to generate Trigger definitions
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
Estimating the Size of an SQL Server Database
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not
Create a Database Mail profile in 4 Steps (or less)
Script Logins from Database Users
Run SQL Server Agent Jobs with Alternate Credentials
Send SQL Server Agent Job log file by Email
Database Upgrade from SQL Server 7
SSIS error: 'buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property'
Date and Time data types

 SQL Server 2008 (45)

T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Script User-Defined Data Types
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Grant Priviliges to a Computer/Machine Account - Why?!
Fresh outlook to Auditing and Monitoring of User Activity using Traces
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
Using Built-In Multi-Language Month and Weekday Names for Application Lists
Find the Next Available Working Day using T-SQL
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Check (and Fix) SQL Logins for Weak Passwords
Audit and Monitor User Activity using Traces
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Delegate DBA Permissions to non-DBAs
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO
Script to generate Trigger definitions
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
Estimating the Size of an SQL Server Database
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not
Script Logins from Database Users
Send SQL Server Agent Job log file by Email

 SQL Server 2008 R2 (44)

T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Error setting private property 'VirtualServerName' when installing an SQL Server 2008 R2 cluster
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Grant Priviliges to a Computer/Machine Account - Why?!
Fresh outlook to Auditing and Monitoring of User Activity using Traces
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
Using Built-In Multi-Language Month and Weekday Names for Application Lists
Find the Next Available Working Day using T-SQL
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Check (and Fix) SQL Logins for Weak Passwords
Audit and Monitor User Activity using Traces
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over
Persist Missing Index Information and Usage Statistics
Delegate DBA Permissions to non-DBAs
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Persist Index Usage Statistics
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO
Script to generate Trigger definitions
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not

 SQL Server 2012 (20)

SSISDB Maintenance Failed
T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Percent Complete and Estimated Completion Time for Backup Processes
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Script User-Defined Data Types
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model

 SQL Server Agent (16)

Install and configure the SQL Server Backup and Maintenance Solution
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Automatically Back Up the Transaction Log when 75 Percent Full
Convert MSDB date and time values stored as integers to datetime
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over
Persist Index Usage Statistics
SQL Agent jobs originated from an MSX server
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Create a Database Mail profile in 4 Steps (or less)
Run SQL Server Agent Jobs with Alternate Credentials
Send SQL Server Agent Job log file by Email

 SQL Server Integration Services (7)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Run SQL Server Agent Jobs with Alternate Credentials
SSIS error: 'buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property'

 SQL Server errors (12)

Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
Database Object Code Split on Multiple Lines
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Login failed: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error
Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing
Database Backups, VSS and Broken Backup Chains
Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW
SQL Agent jobs originated from an MSX server
Correctly handling datetime values
Addressing a 'login failed' (Error 18452) error message in SQL Server 2005

 SQL Tools (16)

SSISDB Maintenance Failed
Install and configure the SQL Server Backup and Maintenance Solution
Execute TSQL scripts in sequence using PowerShell
Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Execute Multiple Script Files in One Batch
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO
Loading MSSQL Blocks XML files into a table
Exporting SQL Server 2000 binary data using textcopy.exe
Compare the Contents (data) of Two Tables
SSIS error: 'buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property'


Execute TSQL scripts in sequence using PowerShell

 SSIS (7)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Run SQL Server Agent Jobs with Alternate Credentials
SSIS error: 'buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property'


SSISDB Maintenance Failed

 SSMS (2)

Quick Basic Monitoring
Filter Out Error Log Messages

 Security (48)

Creating a SQL Firewall
DBCC CHECKDB Fails with 'Cannot find the FILESTREAM file'
Decrypt a TDE-enabled database
Export Permissions to a Report
Obtain Access to SQL Server using PowerShell
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Deploying what in my opinion is messy code
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Active Directory Groups for Easier Permissions Management
Active Directory Groups for Easier Permissions Management
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Grant Priviliges to a Computer/Machine Account - Why?!
Grant Priviliges to a Computer/Machine Account - Why?!
Fresh outlook to Auditing and Monitoring of User Activity using Traces
Fresh outlook to Auditing and Monitoring of User Activity using Traces
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Check (and Fix) SQL Logins for Weak Passwords
Storing Login Credentials in Plain Text Files (Relatively) Securely
Audit and Monitor User Activity using Traces
Delegate DBA Permissions to non-DBAs
Login failed: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error
Temporarily Disallow Access to a Database
Temporarily Disallow Access to a Database
Data Audit Triggers
Apply the principle of least privilege on a Linked Server connection
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports
Script Logins from Database Users
Script Logins from Database Users
Addressing a 'login failed' (Error 18452) error message in SQL Server 2005
Run SQL Server Agent Jobs with Alternate Credentials
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks

 Storage (17)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Script User-Defined Data Types
A Couple of SSIS Package Error Workarounds
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Automatically Back Up the Transaction Log when 75 Percent Full
Display and Store Maltese (Unicode) Characters
Space Used by Filegroup and Log Space Used
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Quick Full Backup Script Sample
Add files to TEMPDB for optimal performance
Disk Drive 64KB Allocation Units and SQL Server
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not

 T-SQL Programming (58)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Data Driven Account Management – part 2
Data Driven Account Management - part 1
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Script User-Defined Data Types
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Deploying what in my opinion is messy code
Retrieve OS and SQL versions, database names and database sizes
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
Database Object Code Split on Multiple Lines
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Microsoft Certifications and Re-Certification
Microsoft Certifications and Re-Certification
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Against the "sp_" Stored Procedure Naming Convention
Execute Multiple Script Files in One Batch
Using Built-In Multi-Language Month and Weekday Names for Application Lists
Find the Next Available Working Day using T-SQL
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Display and Store Maltese (Unicode) Characters
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Storing Login Credentials in Plain Text Files (Relatively) Securely
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Dynamically load delimited files to a table
Quick Full Backup Script Sample
Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO
Data Audit Triggers
Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW
Script to generate Trigger definitions
Correctly handling datetime values
Loading MSSQL Blocks XML files into a table
Stored Procedure with Multiple Result Sets over a Linked Server
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not
Create a Database Mail profile in 4 Steps (or less)
Script Logins from Database Users
Generate Lottery Ticket Combinations
Generate Lottery Ticket Combinations
Run SQL Server Agent Jobs with Alternate Credentials
Send SQL Server Agent Job log file by Email
Generating a Database Data Dictionary
Generating a Database Data Dictionary
Header for Database Code Objects
Header for Database Code Objects
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks
Protecting against SQL Injection attacks
Date and Time data types
Date and Time data types


Move System Databases from the OS Drive

 TSQL (2)

Move System Databases from the OS Drive
Quick Basic Monitoring

 Testing (23)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Per Server + CAL Licensing Model For Small Business' Development Environments
Script User-Defined Data Types
Delegate Password Management to Unpriviliged Database Users
Deploying what in my opinion is messy code
Reindexing fails with 'ERROR 2727 Cannot find index' for a SCOM 2012 database
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Fatal error while reading the input stream from the network
Database Object Code Split on Multiple Lines
A Low-Cost Solution to Track Database Code Changes
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Active Directory Groups for Easier Permissions Management
Generate RESTORE DATABASE command from an existing backup
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Display and Store Maltese (Unicode) Characters
Temporarily Disallow Access to a Database
Basic Stress-Testing using WAITFOR and GO

 Uncategorized (7)

Bringing the blog back
I Am Online
Holding On
Blog Offline
Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 2
Skipping a beat
The First Record

 Upgrade (28)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Remote Statistics Not Available Errors
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
One Difference between DBCC DBREINDEX and ALTER INDEX
Semi-Automated T-SQL Code Reviews
Per Server + CAL Licensing Model For Small Business' Development Environments
Script User-Defined Data Types
Automatically Restore a Database to Test Backups
Hardening an instance might invalidate the support agreement
Recovering an instance when the sa password has been lost
Database Object Code Split on Multiple Lines
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Script to generate CHECK Constraints
Error setting private property 'VirtualServerName' when installing an SQL Server 2008 R2 cluster
Against the "sp_" Stored Procedure Naming Convention
Script to generate DEFAULT Constraint definitions
Extract Database Priviliges for a Login
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Retrieve DBMS and Database Version Information
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Identify VIEW objects which implement ORDERing
Tormented by an ORDERed VIEW
Script to generate Trigger definitions
Disk Drive 64KB Allocation Units and SQL Server
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Database Upgrade from SQL Server 7

 Virtualization (14)

Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Table Counts plus Space Used by Data and Indexes
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Per Server + CAL Licensing Model For Small Business' Development Environments
Changes to the SQL Server 2012 Licensing Model
Check the Cluster Resource Owner and Notify if Failed-Over
Database Backups, VSS and Broken Backup Chains
SQL Agent jobs originated from an MSX server
SQL Server R2 Express Edition features
Securing Access to an SQL Server Port
SQL Server Connection Strings, Unique Application DNS and Listening Ports

 Windows (9)

Instance Pre-Installation Checklist
Configuring the SCOM 2012 SQL Server Management Pack for Low-Privilege Access
Maximise Memory Usage in a Two-Node Active/Active Cluster
Active Directory Groups for Easier Permissions Management
Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Login failed: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error
Database Backups, VSS and Broken Backup Chains
Exporting SQL Server 2000 binary data using textcopy.exe
Use the Forfiles Utility to Delete Old Database Backup Files

 XML (1)

Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format

 command-line utilities (11)

Execute TSQL scripts in sequence using PowerShell
Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Migrate Databases Using Backup-Restore
Generate TABLEDIFF Commands to Identify Data or Schema Differences
Database Mail failed to initialize - Unable to start mail session
Automated Database Scripting to Preserve Intellectual Property
Execute Multiple Script Files in One Batch
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Disk Drive 64KB Allocation Units and SQL Server
Exporting SQL Server 2000 binary data using textcopy.exe

 data types (17)

Get the latest IDENTITY value for all tables in the current database
Deploy or Migrate a Database using Scripts - part 1
T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Why I avoid using User-Defined Data Types
Script User-Defined Data Types
Securing an SSIS Params Table using Keys
Retrieve a Table Schema Only, in XML Format
Script to Generate CREATE TABLE Definitions
Generate BCP Export and BCP or BULK INSERT Import Code
Display and Store Maltese (Unicode) Characters
A Mechanism to Store SYSLOG Messages
Saving a Binary File into SQL Server
Correctly handling datetime values
Loading MSSQL Blocks XML files into a table
Using GUIDs as Primary Keys, or not
Generating a Database Data Dictionary
Date and Time data types

 datetime (4)

T-SQL to Transfer Data based on Periodic Date Ranges
Find the Next Available Working Day using T-SQL
Correctly handling datetime values
Date and Time data types

 forfiles (1)

Use the Forfiles Utility to Delete Old Database Backup Files

 runas (1)

SSIS error: 'buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any path in the BufferTempStoragePath property'

 tempdb (3)

Moving the tempdb Data and Log Files as Part of a Planned Relocation
Script to Drop and Create Indexes
Add files to TEMPDB for optimal performance